
Monday, April 25, 2011

kids vs. food vs. parents vs. ME

Being a "Big" in the Big Brother Big Sister program is definitely a learning experience. I knew that it would be from the begining and I am so optimistic about the things that we approach in our friendship/mentorship.

I am learning SO much about myself, about other people, and most of all.... kids. Wow. With not being completely positive if having a child of my own will be in my future, I know that kids are a huge element in our world and adore them so much. My love for kids brings up so many emotions when it comes to the way they are parented, the way they are treated, and the way they treat themselves.

I am on this recent journey to help mentor my "little" on the importance of nutrition and health. Coming from a family that was "low income" as a child living with a single parent, and my "little" being on the list of "low income" with both parents at home, I know how difficult it can be to feed these little growing bodies. In a generation of FA(s)T FOOD the alternative is time consuming, more expensive, and more complicated to buy and prepare. I get that.

So today I went to the library and pulled as many books as I could on nutrition and cooking for kids (and a few for myself). The issue I have had is giving my "little" an option (because I am not there to be her parent) of what to eat when we go out.

"Fries!!!.... maybe chicken strips too. OH, and a mountain dew!"

Ok, I usually refuse the soda to the server.

But how do I go around this without stepping on the toes of the parents? That is my challenge.

{Couple books I pulled}

Carbonated Beverages-The Incredibly Disgusting Story

Weight Watchers-Eat!Move! Play!

Dinner for Busy Moms

Yum-O The Family Cookbook from Rachael Ray

Any suggestions that YOU would like to share about child nutrition???? Please comment & share.


  1. The younger you start the better. Take those books to the grocery store and pick one too cook together. If you think her parents might be willing, send a recipe home. You may not be able to change whats going on at home, but you can change the way she views food and educate her so she can make better choices on her own. Pretty soon, she wont be home very much anyway (teenager) so its the lasting changes you help her to make that matter most!

  2. Thanks Stacey. That's exactly what I was thinking. Just planting the seed, and hopefully it will carry on throughout her life. THanks so much for the comment.
